Friday, June 11, 2010


Let me introduce myself.  I am a homeschooling mom that often has trouble finding a curriculum that works without modification or even at all.  Sometimes I wish I could be one of those moms that can pull a box of the shelf and everything works for me and the kids, just like we were on 50's television. :o)  But then I don't know what I would do with all the extra time that I would have since I wasn't spending it hunting the elusive prey.

I have researched a lot of curriculums out there and I love finding the little known gem that works wonderfully for our family.  I am always the mom that uses the curriculum that nobody else has heard of.  :o)  So hopefully, with this blog, we can discover those gems together.


  1. Hi there! I'm dropping by from the TOS Crew. I'm glad to be working with you this year. Your blog is included in this week's Blog Walk. Have a great week!


  2. I think I'm following Michelle around bloggy land...I'm also from TOS! You must be brand new to blogging! Welcome!

  3. Ditto what Mrs. Taffy said :-)

    I'm brand new to blogging, also, and I'm looking forward to getting to know many other homeschooling moms through this medium.

    You've chosen a very peaceful looking picture for your blog header/banner (Not sure what the right term is!)

    Hope your week is as peaceful as the picture!

  4. Just taking a "Walk". Welcome to the crew!

    Lori - TOS crew

  5. Thank you for introducing yourself, and I am hoping to find that GEM right along with you~I am following too~See you on deck with CREW!!

  6. It sounds like we are a lot alike in our hunt for the perfect fit for our families. I am a relentless "tweaker" of curriculum and I am always on the hunt for the better thing. BTW, this drives my dear hubby CRAZY, lol! DO you have the same issue?

    BTW, visiting from the blogwalk, I look forward to getting to know you!

  7. Waving to you from Australia via the TOS walk.
    Nice to meet you. :)

  8. Hi! I'm also here walking with the Crew! Have a blessed day!

  9. Welcome to the Crew! I look forward to your future posts!

  10. Hi! Just stopping by on a blog walk from the TOS Crew. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  11. Doing the Crew Blog Walk - glad to see your blog. I agree that there is so much good stuff out there - we just have to take the time to find it. Looking forward to reading about some of the unusual curriculum you use!


  12. What a great introduction! I think I should do something similar on my blog. By the way, I'm stopping by and following along from the TOS Crew blog walk. Nice to "meet" you! Blessings!:)

  13. Hey! Just out for my blog walk! Have fun blogging.

  14. Hey! Here from the crew! It looks as if half of your follow gadget is cut off. Not sure if you knew that or not.
    I am very excited to be part of the crew this year too!

  15. I, like everyone else, am stopping by on the Crew's blogwalk. :) I am looking forward to getting to know you and reading your reviews!

  16. Hello, I'm visiting from the crew forum. It's nice to meet you!

  17. Looking forward to seeing more of your blog.

  18. Oh I know lots of gems, hard part is matching it up with the right kid-LOL.
    Nice to meet ya...on the blog walk and sure hope you find some goodies on the TOS crew this year-enjoy!
    FM Sheri

  19. Dropping by as part of the TOS Crew as well. Hi ya! ;-)

  20. I bet being on The Crew will help you with your curriculum goals!

    (Stoppin' by from TOS blog walk)

  21. Stopped by to visit on the TOS Blog Walk. Look forwarding to getting to know you better.

  22. Taking a walk on the TOS crew.

  23. Stopped by on the blog walk! Nice to meet ya!

  24. I’m a week behind on my blog walk, but still wanted to stop by and say hi. I hope you have a wonderful week!
    ~ Nanette
    Fellow Crew member

  25. Have fun blogging with the TOS crew!
